Update June 29th
We visited San Antonio a few weeks ago, and I thought I'd show you one of Mark's best friends - Phyllis the donkey. He loves to feed her carrots and pet her shaggy coat - but don't get on her bad side...she does kick!
The bathroom project is coming along - the floor is tiled, the shower is usable, the wainscoting is going up, things are painted, the cabinets are installed...it's really coming together. I have to finish installing the wainscoting, install the toliet, and the new countertop (which has been ordered, but isn't in yet) - then I'm finished!!!! Well...I have to install towel bars, the mirror, and some other stuff, but the major stuff will be finished :)
In other news, Baby Vader caught (and I think ate) a big old lizard this week and Yoda is attacking her namesake (I had to hide Yoda from her, because she hates him!).