Tuesday, April 29, 2008

School Music Programs!

April 2008

At Jason's recent pre-school program, not only did he refuse to sing, but refused to stand as well :)! He's the one sitting in the green shirt.

Here is Jacob (in the orange shirt) not really singing at his pre-school program. But the boy can clap!

Amber's debut performance at a recent Kindergarten program at school.

Friday, April 18, 2008

We recently had our portraits done - and we got some great shots! The poor photographer had a time with J&J - it was hard to get them to smile on cue...but a lot of "boinking" himself on the head seemed to do the trick :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I call this one "monkey boy."
It is rare to capture Jacob's smile on camera!
Amber's new Easter dress - she and I had a blast searching the mall for just the right look!
Granny Onia's cane was a big hit when my parents visited - and the funny faces are courtesy of our friend, Mr. Potato Head.